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Click on tiles to purchase floors. Connect the Entry to the Exit on every level, and place Gold Coins to control the Adventurers’ movement. Earn enough Gold to unlock the next level, and reach Floor 15 to slay the Dragon! Additional (optional) shortcuts: Arrow keys to change floors and Spacebar to start a Raid.

Game Info

Dungeon Developer

0 players Adventure & RPG 511 Views
A dungeon crawler… where you play as the Dungeon! Design the best Dungeon you can, outfit the Adventurers with a wide variety of Magic Items, and slay the Red Dragon on the lowest level of the Dungeon! Thanks to the patient playtesters: hellraiser4g (for the awesome quote!), Everlovely, Chrsiy, SicMirx, Catguy, myoclonic, Sarsy, BountyHunter7 and KellyLovez!

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